
May of 2018

16 Personalities: Apparently I’m an Entrepreneur

4 minute read

Not long ago, while I was taking a course in Finland, they asked us to take a personality test online called 16 personalities. It wasn’t nothing really official or for much purpose of scrutinize us, but just to know ourselves a little bit more and we can work our strengths and weakness. To my surprise, the test told me that I have an entrepreneu...

Installing R with Homebrew with all the capabilities

2 minute read

As I explained in my previous post if you installed R with Homebrew you have less capabilities than with a R installed from CRAN’s binary. But, can you have all the capabilities while you still use Homebrew to install R? Yes! However… why you bother to install it with Homebrew at all instead of installing it from CRAN. Well, it’s true that CRAN ...

Homebrew’s R doesn’t have all the capabilities

2 minute read

A couple of days ago I just found out that when you install R with Homebrew you don’t get all the capabilities that the binary from CRAN have. In other words, you have a kind of second class install, in some regards, and depending on how you do install and for what you are going to use R.

MBP wakes up from sleep to back screen — Solution

1 minute read

Note: Just you all to know, that I don’t have this mac anymore and that this solution never really worked for long time. In the end I got really mixed results and the issue arise again sometimes. My best advice for you all is just replace the dGPU or even better buy a new mac.