You can download the most recent version of my résumé in pdf in or at the bottom of this page.
- Profile
- Educational Background
- Publications
- Experience
- Additional Noteworthy Experience
- Additional Training
- Skills
- “Extracurricular activities”, Volunteering & More
- PDF Résumé
I’m a dynamic and versatile engineer from Spain with more than 15 years of international experience in data science and analysis, GIS, and remote sensing. Lately, I deep dive into sustainability where I’ve helped companies to reduce their emissions and be aware of the threats of climate change. Also, I’ve worked on projects related to LiDAR, satellite data, biomass, carbon accounting, land use change, and trade, with special emphasis on R and Python coding. I’m always interested in learning new skills and I’m looking for challenging projects where I can put my background and skills to good use.
Educational Background
On going: MSc. iGEON. Master of Science in Geographic Information Science (GIS) and Earth Observation for Environmental Modeling and Natural Resource Management. (120 ETCS | Online)
Lund University (Sweden) and University of Twente (Netherland)
2012: Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry and Environmental Engineering 1 (240 ETCS), University of León, Spain.
Thesis / Senior project: “El Pajariel” Stand Management Plan.
- Hernando A., Puerto L., Mola-Yudego B., Manzanera J.A., Garcia-Abril A., Maltamo M., Valbuena R. 2019.
Estimation of forest biomass components using airborne LiDAR and multispectral sensors. iForest Journal.
doi: 10.3832/ifor2735-012
Mar 2022 - Mar 2023: Quantis Switzerland. Senior Sustainability Consultant specialized on Forestry, Agroforestry, GIS, Remote Sensing, Climate Risk and Data Science.
Supporting organizations transitioning from business as usual to business at its best within our planetary boundaries.
- Deliver more accurate emissions factors related to land use change using remote sensing and GIS data that reduced the land use change footprint by up to 90%.
- Deliver climate risk insights to clients regarding future climate scenarios using IPCC data and reports. Data extraction, analysis, and report creation using Python.
- Deliver technical and quality control on forestry, agroforestry, GIS, remote sensing, cocoa, and coffee projects.
- Transform insights into maps and beautiful data visualizations.
- Develop and deliver knowledge and insights on forestry, deforestation, agroforestry, satellite data, carbon and biomass accounting, land use change, and data analysis.
Jan 2021 - Feb 2022: Spatial and Data Scientist and Analyst Freelance Consultant
I worked on some projects related to data science and analysis, GIS, remote sensing, forestry and more.
Jun - Dec 2020: Paternity leave and moved to Switzerland
Sep 2019 - Jun 2020: European Forest Institute. Data Analyst
I worked at Bioeconomy Program on the Forest Products Trade Flow database project to analyze global trade flows during the last 30 years with a focus of forest products.
- Developed a script to extract ~100 GB of data from UN COMTRADE trade database.
- Setup and optimize the SQL storage database. Cleaned and assessed the integrity of the data and correctly subset it for the posterior analysis and further cleaning.
- Developed a script to perform the previous tasks unattended periodically.
- Successfully debugged an R package for cleaning the data and fixed coding problems.
- Delivered insights on a report related to the R package and the project’s future.
2013 - 2019: International Freelance Consultant.
I developed my activity mainly in Finland, but also in Spain, Sweden, Austria, and the USA. I worked with institutions like the University of Eastern of Finland, the Finnish Forest Center, and the US Forest Service. Some of the projects I worked on were:
- Developed scripts to download Finland’s full LiDAR dataset —more than 1TB— and processed and analyze it using Fusion, LAStools, R, LidR and other tools.
- Produced and developed statistical models to yield biomass estimations.
- Wrote and published a scientific paper on biomass, LiDAR and multispectral sensors.
- Cut R-analysis computing time from days to hours using parallel computing on cloud.
- Modeled the detection of forest gaps with R using LiDAR data, FIA and aerial photos.
- Played a key role on several projects related to R coding and OSGeo tools.
- Helped to teach GIS using ArcGIS at the university level.
- Created online digital cartography using the Finnish forest inventory
- Developed and design several websites using Jekyll as a platform where I used HTML, CSS, Liquid, Git, Continuous Integration, Ruby, and JavaScript.
- Setup Raspberry Pis as an R Studio server, VPN server, NAS, cloud storage, wireless audio streaming, ad blocker, internet speed logger and more.
- Produced educational materials and provided training.
Additional Noteworthy Experience
2009 – 2012: Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (City of Energy Foundation), Spanish Government.
I worked as Coordinator of the Technology & Innovation Area close to the General Director, that reported directly to the President of Spain. I led a multidisciplinary team related to technology, innovation, coding, and GIS, with a total budget of over 1 million euros.
- Successfully led and delivered projects related to clean energy, tackling climate change, technology systems for a museum, geo-tracking, wi-fi, and regional development.
- Developed regional tourist maps and successfully delivered cartographic and data analysis internally and externally.
- Delivered GIS training for in-house staff and the general public.
- Led scientific study’s fieldwork: inventory operations, data processing, and analysis.
2009 – 2012: Freelance Consultant
Collaborating with companies like Tecnosylva or TRAGSATEC, with small and big municipalities, like Ponferrada Municipality, and private individuals. I participate in small and big projects like the “Preliminary Plan for the Pajariel Forestry Park” in Ponferrada, “Integral Management of the Ponferrada’s Mountains,” and the “Inventory of Forest Roads in Laciana”. Some of my main activities and accomplishes were:
- Successfully delivered a report essential to defend an environmental project at a public town-hall meeting.
- Advised and produced insights about citizen participation in environmental projects.
- Led teams to collect data on the field on thousands of hectares using PDA, Vertex, and electronic caliper.
- Successfully took hundreds of management decisions on the ground for a 10-year management forest plan.
- Accomplished the creation of cartography, analysis, reports, and blueprints using ArcGIS, ArcPAD, ArcView, and AutoCAD.
- Developed a GIS multi-criteria analysis to zone a forest area for several purposes and adequate it for leisure activities.
- Delivered strategic management reports for the following 10 years, where data analysis and cartography were vital.
- Performed the inventory of over 2000 km of forest roads with an off-road vehicle, a GPS, and ArcPAD.
- Digitalized thousands of aerial photos on ArcGIS as cartography preparation for the fieldwork.
- Delimited hundreds of km of forest areas using a sub-metric GPS and processed all the data.
- Delivered a judicial report and a testimony in court that was key to winning the case.
Additional Training
- 10 training courses on ArcGIS 10 Desktop and Server systems, including Oracle DDBB and programming in Python and add-ins, by ESRI Spain (300 hours).
- Course Sextante (GIS toolbox) by Uni. of León (20 hours).
- Course “Thematic Cartography”, by the Spanish National Geographic Institute (40 hours).
- Course of “Learn to Program: The Fundamentals” in Python, by the University of Toronto (50 hours).
- Course “Certification and Audition Systems in forest exploitations” by PROFOR (144 hours).
- Course of Fire Management, by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) (200 hours).
- Course AutoCAD 2011 2D & 3D, by IFESS (40 hours).
- Course “Health and Safety on forest exploitations” by PROFOR, (144 hours).
- Course “Defending Forest Against Wildfires”, by the Spanish Forest Engineers Official Association (30 hours).
- Course about Biomass by CARTIF Foundation (60 hours).
- Course “Forest Planning”, by Castile and León Government (50 hours).
- Course on Project Management by Adecco (15 hours)
- Course of Wonderware by Wonderware Spain (35 hours).
- Course about International Merchandise Statistics Trade by United Nations.
- I’ve assisted many other talks, seminaries, conferences and congresses at local, national and international levels.
- ArcGIS Desktop & Server
- QGIS & OSGeo
- Google Earth Engine
- Oracle DB & SQL DDBB
- macOS, Linux & Windows
- R stats & Python
- Fusion, LAStools & LidR
- Parallel computing
- Cloud computing
- Git, GitHub & GitLab & CI/CD
- Shell scripting
- Jekyll & Web Developing
Spanish: Native Speaker
English: Bilingual
German: Beginner
Finnish: A2
Swedish: A1
Additional hard
- Sustainability
- GHGP, SBTi, AFI, etc
- Carbon & biomass accounting
- Trade & supply chain
- Climate & Env Risk
- Deforestation
- Agroforestry
- Data science & analysis
- Data visualization
- GIS & cartography
- Remote sensing & LiDAR
- Project management
- Certification & audit
- Self-learner
- Analytical & meticulous
- Open minded
- Critical & system thinker
- Productive & organized
- International perspective
- Willing to travel
- Social & independent
“Extracurricular activities”, Volunteering & More
- I am always eager to expand my knowledge and learn from others. I have attended several courses, seminars, and workshops on statistics, environmental management and data management, and science at several institutions, including the University of Agricultural Sciencese, Oregon State University and the University of Eastern of Finland .
- Volunteer at Albany Historic Carousel in Oregon (US), where I set the animals, assembled the wooden structure, and helped with the mechanical and electrical systems.
- I thought to code to 4th-grade school kids during the Hour of Code in Madrid.
- Cultural volunteering in Joensuu (Finland). I helped with immigration inclusion, developing leisure programs for children, and creating a photo expo on the streets of Joensuu with portraits of locals and immigrants.
- Taught Spanish language and culture.
- I like adventure and challenges. I love hiking and camping in the wilderness. Travel enthusiast and explorer.
- I survived a Finnish intensive course of more than 1500 hours.
- Always interested in trying new things and testing new tools to improve especially my productivity.
Photography and space enthusiast. I spend most of my free time reading, learning, and experimenting.
PDF Résumé
Additionally, I prepare a concise version of this resume in pdf paper format. You can see and download the most recent version below or here.
Actually, this is when I converted my previous diploma to the new Bolonia framework. I’ve been a Forest Engineer, since 2008 when I graduated from my original studies. ↩