First blog post
This is my very blog post… this post should’ve been a way earlier than it is being, but life is as it is.
This is my very blog post… this post should’ve been a way earlier than it is being, but life is as it is.
The full content of the site is copyrighted to its authors unless it’s stayed otherwise. The main author of this site is Luis Puerto. However, both the content and the code are license under open source and creative commons permissive licenses.
In the following months we are going to move to Zürich :mountain_cableway:, Switzerland :switzerland::mountain_snow: for professional reasons. We are really happy and excited about this change. We’ve pondered about it for quite some time and we finally decided to go for it, since we thought that it was going to make a really positive impact on our family and professional lives. We love the area, Central Europe, and we love the culture, the food, the people and the landscapes. We’ve been around before, visiting the Alps and living in Vienna, Austria, and we had always a great experience.
I had a repo that suffered an unconventional fork, in other works, someone decided copy it and work outside Git —or any other version control system :dizzy_face:. After that, the fork was set as a Subversion repo and store in a local server. To bring those changes back to the original repo, I had to set it up as a non related branch of the original repo, as I explain here, so I can proceed and merge it later.
There is something I haven’t written about yet, mainly because I’ve been a little bit busy. Since mid-September I’ve been working at the European Forest Institute, EFI on a task related to the Forest Products Trade Flow Database, a project that the EFI has been working on since almost EFI foundation in 1995.
We’re again in that time of the year when we’ve spun once more around the Sun and therefore…
This year Kurzgesagt really surprised to all of us making one of their videos not about their usual thematic —science, technology, even politics or philosophy in some cases— but instead they decided to make the animated version of a quite well know short story from the writer Andy Weird —the author of “The Martian“— titled “The Egg”.
As some of you already know, on Dec 5 at 22.00 EET I upgraded my civil status and I became a father. Olalla delivered beautiful baby boy at the North Karelia Hospital in Joensuu, that has been named after his two granddads and me, so he is Luis Puerto Díaz. Luis the IV, Luis Puerto the III and Junior, and Luis Puerto Díaz is his full name, that’s unique. Most of the people is starting to call him Junior. He was 3.8 kg and 51 cm long, really healthy and without any mayor problem at the moment of birth. So let’s keep the fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: and hope that he continues that path for the rest of this existence.
I wanted to apologize, first to myself and then to you because I have this place a little bit abandoned, but it’s because a really good reason.
I think this is something that almost anyone with a LinkedIn account has suffered or happened to them… an invitation to connect that comes out of the blue from someone you don’t know. No message, or just the standard message, no explanation, nothing… just an invitation in your LinkedIn inbox from someone, usually with a happy face —maybe a fake one— that perhaps is in a similar field as yours —or not— and they live close to you —or they don’t. I hate it, because I need to figure out who this person is and what they want.
I just discovered which is a service to annotate and highlight articles, posts, pdfs or whatever text you want and find all over the web and in any site. In their own words:
Warning! This is a very long post and it’s probably boring for your. Read it at your own risk!
This is just the final post of the series of post about my personality. It’s been quite fun, but really hard, analyzing myself —or try to— from the starting point of the 16pernalities test. I wanted to write the final conclusion as a separate post mainly because I want it to encroach all the other three post and I don’t think this bit really fit at the bottom of any of the others, even when It’s going to be small.
I’ve been trying to dissect my personality using the results on the 16personalities test in previous posts and I would like to finish talking about how they think my big 5 trails are.
I want to wish you all a
The other day I was explaining how I publish my blog using CI. Today I want to explain how I schedule post in my blog while still involving CI.
As I’ve mentioned before, this blog is build as a static website with Jekyll, which allow me not to worry about data bases, logins or anything of the sorts when I’m publishing and managing the web. I use the free tier of GitHub Pages as hosting, which has its downsides and upsides. The main upside is, it’s really convenient and free. On the other hand, I’m limited to certain Jekyll plugins if I want to use GitHub Pages building capabilities. This can be circumnavigate if you use CI (Continuous Integration) to build your site.
The other day I was talking about how you can merge several GeoPackages files in a single GeoPackage —just because you wanted or needed that way. Problem is, sometimes some of the data or information that those GeoPackages contain could be redundan. In my particular case, some information was redundan because the GeoPackages contain forest data at stand level that is also at UTM10 Finnish’s grid1 level. Since life is imperfect, some stands are between two grid quadrants, so a decision2 was made to have them in both —or more3— of the quadrants.
Update Sunday 25th Nov 2018 at 11.35 UTC: Just to clarify a little bit. What we really need is more management, not less. We need to get the most of our forest, while conserving them and try to understand better how to the natural system that it’s works. We can’t abandon our forest to their luck in the wild now because it would be like abandoning our dog in the forest just because it’s an animal and it should know how to survive. Probably it won’t. We also need to assume that, as animals, we are part of the ecosystem and we need to play a role too. What we really need to figure out is what is our role. I assure you that, as any other animal out there, our role isn’t going to be a passive one.
The other day I had to deal with a problem I haven’t dealt before. I have to merge a bunch of GeoPackages (.gpkg) containing Finnish Forest data —downloaded from here :finland: — because they had more sense if they ended up together. The reality is, GeoPackage format is something quite new to me —well, it was approved in 2014— since I’ve been using ESRI products, where shapefiles (.shp) are more or less the standard —they are the King 👑— and if you want to go a little bit further you have to use file geodatabases. From there on you need to step up your game and have a real database engine/server like Oracle :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:, MS SQL :money_mouth_face:, PostGIS :elephant: —free and open source :+1:— and some others.
A couple of posts ago —or perhaps a little bit more— I was briefly explaining about the results of a personality test I took while attending a course in Finland. In that test they told me I have a personality with a role of Explorer and a strategy of People Mastery. The role determines our goals, interests and preferred activities and the strategy shows our preferred ways of doing things and achieving goals. I would like to explore —if you excuse me the repetition— a little bit more those features of my personality and discuss a little bit more if they are accurate.